Introducing the breathtaking Replica Chanel Goatskin Quilted 19 Woc Flap Bag On Chain 422740. Measuring at a compact size of 7.5 x 1 x 4.5 inches. this shoulder bag is both chic and functional.
Created with meticulous craftsmanship. this bag is crafted from diamond quilted goatskin leather in the stunning color Salmon Pink. It exudes an air of sophistication and elegance that is synonymous with the Chanel brand. The iconic Chanel CC embellishment adorns the flap. adding a touch of glamour to the overall design.
The shoulder strap of this bag is truly a work of art. Made from a blend of aged gold and ruthenium chain links. it is threaded through with a luxurious leather strap and features a comfortable shoulder pad. This ensures that you can carry this bag effortlessly. whether you’re attending a formal event or just running errands.
Opening the front flap reveals a sumptuous Salmon Pink leather interior. The interior is thoughtfully designed with zipper and patch pockets. as well as card slots. This provides ample storage space for your essentials. allowing you to stay organized without compromising on style.
With its dimensions of 19 x 2.5 x 11.5 cm. this bag is perfect for those who prefer a compact yet statement-making accessory. It beautifully combines the timeless style of the classic Flap design with the convenience of a WOC Chain.
Indulge in luxury and sophistication with the Replica Chanel Goatskin Quilted 19 Woc Flap Bag On Chain 422740. Elevate your style and make a lasting impression wherever you go with this exquisite piece from Chanel.
Includes dust bag, care manual, booklet, card, bill of sale.
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