Introducing the Replica Chanel Deauville Tote 38Cm Canvas Bag A66941 in a stunning beige/white color. This tote bag is skillfully crafted by the renowned brand Chanel and is designed to offer both style and functionality. With a spacious size of 38 x 31 x 21 cm. it provides ample room for all your essentials.
Made from durable cotton canvas material. this bag is built to last. It features a convenient zipper pocket. an open pocket. and a mobile pocket to keep your belongings organized. The lettering “Chanel CC 31 Rue Cambon Paris” adds a touch of sophistication to the design.
Equipped with an interwoven chain and handles. this tote can be carried in multiple ways. The gold-tone hardware adds a luxurious touch. while the gold chain shoulder strap with leather provides comfort and versatility.
Ideal for various occasions. whether it’s shopping. a beach day. or a picnic. this bag has the versatility to suit your needs. With its excellent storage capacity and elegant design. the Replica Chanel Deauville Tote 38Cm Canvas Bag A66941 is a must-have accessory for fashion enthusiasts.
Chanel continues to impress with its attention to detail and quality craftsmanship. Don’t miss out on adding this iconic Deauville Tote to your collection.
Includes dust bag, care manual, booklet, card, bill of sale.