Introducing the stunning Replica Chanel Deauville Tote 38Cm Canvas Bag A66941 in the charming light grey and black color combination. This tote bag. crafted by the prestigious brand Chanel. offers remarkable storage capacity along with a touch of elegance. Its size measures 38 x 31 x 21 cm. providing ample space for all your essentials.
The bag is made from high-quality cotton canvas material. ensuring durability and longevity. It features a convenient zipper pocket. as well as an open pocket and a mobile pocket. allowing for easy organization of your belongings. The sophisticated lettering on the bag. “Chanel CC 31 Rue Cambon Paris.” adds a touch of sophistication and authenticity.
The Replica Chanel Deauville Tote also comes with an interwoven chain that can be used as a shoulder strap or handles. This versatile feature allows you to use it as a shopping bag. a beach bag. or even a picnic bag. making it suitable for various occasions.
Crafted with attention to detail. this bag showcases silver-tone hardware that complements the overall design. The silver chain shoulder strap. adorned with leather. adds a luxurious touch to the bag and ensures comfortable carrying.
Inside the bag. you will find a convenient zip pocket. allowing you to securely store your valuables. This functional feature adds to the practicality of the bag. making it an ideal choice for everyday use.
Experience the timeless elegance and functionality of the Replica Chanel Deauville Tote 38Cm Canvas Bag A66941. Embrace the chic style and exceptional craftsmanship that Chanel is renowned for.
Includes dust bag, care manual, booklet, card, bill of sale.
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