Introducing the stunning Replica Chanel 1112 Pink Gold Medium Size 2.55 Lambskin Leather Flap Bag. This exquisite piece of fashion is in a class of its own. offering unparalleled elegance that is sure to turn heads and make a statement wherever you go. A must-have for any Chanel enthusiast. this iconic bag. also known as the classic. is a timeless wardrobe staple with its signature Chanel quilted lambskin and 18k Gold Plated chain hardware.
The Replica Chanel 1112 Pink Gold Medium Size 2.55 Lambskin Leather Flap Bag features a spacious interior with a well-designed layout. It has a back pocket and an interior double flap with a compartment behind the flap. as well as a zipper compartment on the side. The bag can be worn as a shoulder bag or crossbody thanks to its adjustable chain shoulder strap. The gold/silver-toned hardware adds a touch of luxury and sophistication to the bag. while the designer interlocking C detailing showcases its authenticity.
Crafted with care. this bag boasts a beautifully structured flap-over design that showcases the meticulous craftsmanship synonymous with Chanel. The interior is lined with soft and supple lambskin. ensuring both style and comfort.
With dimensions of 10 x 6 x 2.5 inches (25.5 x 16 x 7.5 cm). this medium-sized bag offers the perfect balance of functionality and style. It is spacious enough to carry all your essentials while maintaining a sleek and sophisticated appearance.
Made from genuine imported lambskin leather. this Replica Chanel 1112 Pink Gold Medium Size 2.55 Lambskin Leather Flap Bag is a true testament to luxury and quality. It is an investment piece that will remain a timeless classic in your collection.
Experience the allure of Chanel with this iconic bag that seamlessly combines style. functionality. and sophistication. Channel your inner fashionista and make a bold statement with the Replica Chanel 1112 Pink Gold Medium Size 2.55 Lambskin Leather Flap Bag.
Includes dust bag, care manual, booklet, card, bill of sale.