The Replica Chanel Patent Leather 17Cm Classic Flap Bag 1115 offers a stylish and compact solution for fashion-conscious individuals. Measuring at 17 x 13 x 8 cm. this bag is the perfect size for those who prefer to carry only the essentials.
What sets this Mini Classic Flap Bag apart is its unique quilted material. While most Chanel classic bags feature the signature quilted design. this bag boasts a modern print that adds a touch of contemporary style to the iconic Chanel look.
Not only is this bag visually appealing. but it is also highly functional. It can be worn as a shoulder bag. and the chain shoulder strap is adjustable to ensure a comfortable fit. The bag is adorned with aged gold-toned brass or shiny silver hardware. adding a touch of sophistication to its overall design.
The flap-over design is beautifully structured. creating a timeless and elegant silhouette. The interlocking C detail. a signature Chanel motif. adds a touch of iconic branding to the bag.
Made from patent leather. this Mini Classic Flap Bag is not only fashionable but also durable and easy to clean. It is a must-have accessory for those who appreciate the timeless beauty and quality craftsmanship of Chanel.
In summary. the Replica Chanel Patent Leather 17Cm Classic Flap Bag 1115 is a compact and stylish bag that combines modern and classic elements. Its quilted material. adjustable chain shoulder strap. and beautiful design make it a versatile and timeless accessory. Made from patent leather. this bag is both fashionable and practical. Whether you’re going for a casual outing or a formal event. this Mini Classic Flap Bag is the perfect companion.
Includes dust bag, care manual, booklet, card, bill of sale.