Replica Hermes Light Gray Togo Medium Garden Party 36cm Bag H239056 on sale now.
You will get an AAAAA quality Replica Hermes Light Gray Togo Medium Garden Party 36cm Bag H239056 with the best price. 1:1 made as the original. If you are not satisfied with the product you received. please be sure to contact us. we promise to solve the problem for you. We are confident that you will adore our products and that we can establish a long-term business relationship with each other.
Products Description
A tote bag is a must-have in any collection! The Hermes Garden Party Tote is a staple for many and one of Hermesu2019 most popular bags. This bag in small size. also known as Garden Party 30cm. It was designed to be worn on the crook of the arm or handheld. it is perfect for everyday wear.
- Size: 36 x 26 x 17 cm
- 100% Togo leather
- Hand-stitched
- Double rolled leather handles with 10 cm drop
- Palladium plated Clou de Selle snap closure
- Two snap closures on the sides
- Interior one zip pocket
- Chevron canvas lining with leather base
Includes dust bag, care manual, booklet, card, bill of sale.
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