Introducing the Replica Chanel 19 Large Flap Bag As1161 Denim with its captivating design that speaks volumes. This bag features a boy-inspired chain that is both impressive and eye-catching. What sets it apart is the unique division of colors within the chain – a combination of gold and silver. as well as gold and dark silver. The showstopper. however. is the latest CC logo. prominently displayed at the center in a chic woven chain design. This signature detail is a true symbol of Chanel’s iconic style.
Made from denim and adorned with gold-tone. silver-tone. and ruthenium-finish metal accents. this bag exudes luxury. The twisted closure of the woven chain CC adds a touch of sophistication. With dimensions of 7.8 x 11.7 x 3.9 inches (20 x 30 x 10 cm). it offers ample space for your essentials.
The Replica Chanel 19 Large Flap Bag As1161 Denim is a fusion of Chanel’s beloved styles – the Chanel 19 and the LeBoy. It captures the essence of both. making it a must-have for any fashion enthusiast. Elevate your style with this exquisite bag that pays homage to Chanel’s timeless classics.
Includes dust bag, care manual, booklet, card, bill of sale.
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