Discover the luxurious and versatile Replica Chanel Bags AS3260 SS Shoulder Bag/Handbag. This exquisite accessory is a must-have for any fashion-forward woman. Crafted from high-quality calfskin leather in a timeless black shade. it effortlessly adds sophistication and elegance to any ensemble.
The bag’s dimensions are 34.5cm in length. 8cm in width. and 37cm in height. with a net weight of 1KG and a gross weight of 2KG. Its model number. AS3260. signifies its exquisite design and craftsmanship by the renowned brand Chanel.
What sets this bag apart is its ability to be worn as both a shoulder bag and a handbag. Its comfortable shoulder strap height of 27cm ensures a pleasant experience even during extended wear. This versatile design allows you to effortlessly transition from a casual day out to a formal evening affair.
Chanel is well-regarded for its attention to detail and luxurious creations. and this bag is no exception. It is meticulously crafted to meet the needs of sophisticated women who appreciate quality and style.
If you’re looking for a chic and timeless addition to your collection. the Replica Chanel Bags AS3260 SS Shoulder Bag/Handbag is the perfect choice. Embrace the allure of Chanel and indulge in this exquisite accessory today.
Includes dust bag, care manual, booklet, card, bill of sale.